
SE Texas Times

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Beaumont taxpayers to foot 31% increase in city's insurance premiums

Harvey home 696x392

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Beaumont taxpayers will have to pay the costs of hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and hail storms – both local and statewide – to the tune of $363,995.

The Beaumont Enterprise reported that because of increased insurance claims, the city has seen its largest single-year increase in insurance premiums in a 31% percent increase from the previous year.

City Chief Financial Office Todd Simoneaux told the news agency that the increase was expected and Ted Moor, the city's broker, said if the insurance providers determine the natural disasters will be a trend, the rates could go even higher.

“The other thing that’s going to affect the future is that the size and amount of damage Harvey, Ike and Imelda caused were significantly greater than anything I can remember,” Moor said.

The city is currently looking at ways to decrease flood damage in the future, such as a new raw-water pump station and drainage system upgrades.