
SE Texas Times

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

There's a City Council Meeting Tomorrow!


Meeting | Gabrielle Henderson (Unsplash)

Meeting | Gabrielle Henderson (Unsplash)

There's a City Council Meeting Tomorrow! 

Join us Tuesday, March 7 at 1.30 pm at City Hall

 Agenda Items of Interest:

Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute the earnest money contract and all related documents for the sale of a 0.8439-acre city-owned property located at 125 Magnolia

 Consider approving a contract with Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) for pavement management and asset management solutions to be used by the Public Works Department

 Hold a Public Hearing to Review Dangerous Structures and Consider an ordinance to declare 39 structures to be unsafe structures and order the owners to raze the said structures within 10 days.

Consider rejecting a proposal for the lease or purchase and redevelopment of the property located at 555 Main Street.

Did You Know?

All City Council meetings are open to the public! Unless otherwise posted, they are held every Tuesday at 1.30 at City Hall (801 Main Street).

You can get a copy of the meeting agenda ahead of time. They are posted on the website at least 72 hours in advance.

Can't make it in person? They are also live streamed on our website: http://ow.ly/SesB50GYMhm

Closed Captioning and Transcriptions are Available on Videos

You can make your thoughts heard! Just fill out a public comment card and wait for your name to be called. These can be found outside council chambers on the greeting table.

Missed a meeting? Worry not! All of our previous council meetings are archived on our website

Original source can be found here.