The average cost for a gallon of diesel gas in or near zip code 77622 for the week of January 20-26 is $2.84, according to The lowest price is $2.79.
The commercial property at 505 Lucas W. Drive, Beaumont was sold on Jan. 31, 2020 by Mazzola Bros. Properties LLC. The property is appraised at $209,220. The buyer was Smlm Ventures LLC.
The average cost for a gallon of diesel gas in or near zip code 77704 for the week of January 13-19 is $2.62, according to The lowest price is $2.55.
The average cost for a gallon of diesel gas in or near zip code 77705 for the week of January 13-19 is $2.69, according to The lowest price is $2.29.
The average cost for a gallon of regular gas in or near zip code 77706 for the week of January 13-19 is $2.16, according to The lowest price is $2.13.
On Jan. 30, 2020, Kellie Hearn Hundley sold their home at 503 Westbury Road, Beaumont to Pierre and Sheila Lognion. The property is appraised at $113,040.
On Jan. 30, 2020, Carmen Martinez, C Mtz and Ma Carmen Tapia Caballero sold their home at 4470 Detroit Ave., Beaumont to Jose Martinez and Juan Zavala Tapia. The property is appraised at $18,260.
The average cost for a gallon of premium gas in or near zip code 77704 for the week of January 13-19 is $2.72, according to The lowest price is $2.69.
The average cost for a gallon of regular gas in or near zip code 77713 for the week of January 20-26 is $2.22, according to The lowest price is $2.16.
On Jan. 30, 2020, Beaumont Multifamily Housing Development Corp. sold their commercial property at 6195 Major Drive, Beaumont to Juniper Major LLC. The property is appraised at $11,263,340.